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11-14-2004, 07:47 PM,
Sounds like a good time. I would like to try these cenotes out. They seem to be very interesting.

11-14-2004, 10:10 PM,
Sweet photos as always Doug!!! I just sent my payment in for our trip to Cozumel in January. Thanksgiving is almost here, then Christmas will be here, then Cozumel for 8 days just into the New Year. The time is already going by quickly and it will be here before I know it. Can't wait to try to take some nice photos and enjoy some diving that doesn't require a drysuit.

12-07-2004, 10:57 PM,
Exactly one month to Cozumel. I got our scuba diving booked this week. We will be staying at the El Cozumeleno and will be using their dive outfitter Scuba Du, which has pretty good reviews on the various ratings websites. $302 for 5 days of 2 tank boat dives, one night dive included, plus all the free shore diving we want. Can't wait, can't wait!!!!!!

It'll be kind of wierd to be using a wetsuit to dive instead of the drysuit. I almost forgot I had a wetsuit stuffed way back in my closet.

12-08-2004, 08:16 AM,
Cool. I'm heading there myself mid-march. Looking forward to some saltwater as well. We found a few operations down there that will show us to the caves as well, so I get to dive some of the cenotes while we are down there which I'm really stoked about!!

You'll have to let us know how the trip goes!
12-08-2004, 09:13 AM,

Saltwater tastes bad! I will be in Tennesee in March. There might be some neat old junk in the quarry to look at. ;D
12-08-2004, 09:15 AM,
It may taste bad, but it feels sooooooo good.
12-08-2004, 05:32 PM,
I dove the Cenotes in Playa- Del Carmen (about 40 miles from Cancun) in July, it will rock your socks: The Reefs are a good dive but how many places can you dive in Cenotes, its well worth the trip in itself!
[glow=red,2,300]Cenote diving is what I call "Inner Space![/glow]Cozumel has recently discovered their own Cenote system which covers most of the island under ground.
Go with Certified and experienced Cenote guides, be safe have fun, its way cool!
I'm going back in a couple of months.
Rik O+<
12-08-2004, 07:26 PM,
We're planning on diving the Areolito system - this is the one on the island. I can't wait - I'm going cave diving in Florida in January, and then this in March. It's gonna be a good year Smile
01-13-2005, 05:15 PM,
Greetings from sunny cozumel. <unfortunately we have to leave tomorrow, but the diving was awesome. <i´ll post a trip review and some pictures when <i get back home and get my pictures all organized.

01-17-2005, 08:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-17-2005, 08:39 PM by mrclean.)
Greetings all again in wintery Wisconsin. Trip report of Cozumel vacation and first warm water scuba trip to follow.

My wife and I and another four-time visit couple just returned from a 7-day stay in Cozumel at the El Cozumeleno. I feel the need to report on my experience there as a first-time warm water diver, first time vacation out of the country.

When we booked our vacation six months ago, I began an exhaustive process researching the island, hotels, dive outfitters, and activities. I had received various recommendations from frequent divers to Cozumel about which dive outfit to book with. After much research, I booked with Ocean Tours and Scuba Du. Not so much that they were the dive outfitter from El Cozumeleno, but the good reviews that I read on the various internet bulletin boards and Cozumel websites. I began corresponding with Antonio, manager of Ocean Tours with many questions as any first timer would have. I would have to compliment Antonio on his quick responses and friendly and helpful suggestions. So, without meeting him, I was already impressed. Then we finally arrived in Cozumel last Saturday and I went over to settle up for my five days of diving. First I would have to say, I thought the price I paid for diving was very fair, and I have paid an average of $20 more per two-tank charter on Lake Michigan for shipwreck diving with Shoreline Charters and I had to supply my own tanks. So for the bucks, it was a good deal. When I arrived at the Ocean Tours office, I was met by Jose, who already seemed to know me and was expecting me. Jose got me and my dive buddy set up with tanks to do a shore dive so we could get our weights set up. I haven't dove with my 7 mil wetsuit for over two years since I switched to a DUI drysuit, which is the only way to dive comfortably in the dive sites in Wisconsin and Lake Michigan that I dive. The shore dive from El Cozumeleno was nice if not interesting because the current was really whipping us along in the swimming area. After the shore checkout dive, we jumped into a taxi and sped off to El Presidente for a 1-tank afternoon dive on Paradise Reef. The dive site was just two minutes from El Presidente and within a short time, we were in the water and I experienced fish and marine life like I have never seen before. It was after that one dive that I knew I was hooked. The next days we dove the following dive sites, Palancar Gardens, Chankanaab Reef, Palancar Horseshoe, Paseo de Central, more Paradise Reef, Punta Sur, Las Palmas, Paradise (night dive), Eagle Ray (both dives) and Chankanaab Reef. My first two days, I dove twice a day, and the last three days, I dove three times per day. We dove with mostly the same divers and it was really nice getting to know people with similar interests and the love for diving. As the divemasters got familar with our abilities they gave us plenty of latitude and started giving us more options to dive instead of the daily itinerary. The highlight of the dives was the advanced dive at Punta Sur and diving through the Devils Throat and seeing the sponged shaped like a cross. The second highlight was the night dive on Paradise reef, where we saw a bunch of octopus, squid, lobsters, including one that would be hard pressed to fit in a washtub. My only two regrets was that a) it had to end, and b) my reefmaster digital never arrived from their service department after a recent flooding experience. I won't go into any more on the Reefmaster ordeal.

So my overall comments on the trip are all favorable. Antonio is a great manager and very friendly and helpful and was full of great advice and information on where else to go on the island when I wasn't diving (or hearing my wife display her displeasure of being left alone most of the day. I heard the term "dive widow" more than once the last few days.) The ScubaDu boats we used were fast and easy to set up in and were plenty comfortable with plenty of water and fresh fruit between dives. The divemasters were great and did a great job pointing out special interest marine life (spendid toadfishes) and keeping track of everybody. Thanks Eduardo, Lucio, Pirate, and several others that I apologize for forgetting your names. The staff on the dive boats, especially Jose were very helpful in taking care of changing your gear out between dives and making sure we made it into the water safely. The gear staff at Ocean Tours did a great job of washing and hanging my gear everyday for a tip; $5 was a small price to pay for being able to leave my gear and picking it up in the morning all folded and nicely arranged in my bag. And again, I appreciate the extra mile Antonio went in making my trip successful. Standing around in the air conditioned office every afternoon and BS'ing about diving the area and everything else was great.

One humorous point to point out was, the divemasters all got a great kick out of me and my dive buddy diving in 7 mil shorties and needing 28 pounds of lead. We got all kinds of heck about that. My standard reply was it is either this or my drysuit. That really brought out a chuckle. So for next trip, I'll invest in a 3 mil full suit. I dove my 13th dive in just my dive skin and had no problems with the cold and that was my 3rd dive of the last day.

So, all in all, a great first trip, we will be back next year and I can wholeheartedly recommend Ocean Tours/Scuba Du and will be using them again for the next trip. Thanks to all that made my trip a resounding success.

I'm hoping to post some pictures that I took with Kodak disposables and I'm getting several CD's burned from other divers on our dives who felt sorry that I didn't have a camera to use. Can't wait to see their pictures.

Other comments from the trip, non-diving related; spend some time in town, walking around avoiding the shop hawkers is quite a challenge. Buy some Cuban cigars to smoke while your there. I don't smoke and I told several venders, "no fumar". There standard reply was, "There's always plenty of time to start". Kind of funny. Went to Carlos and Charlies twice. That was a riot with the antics of the staff. I also came home with two permanent Mexican souveniers with new tatoos on each arm. Way cheaper than in the states. I'm already in a high risk profession for hepatitus, so what the heck!

I'll be back next January. Who wants to come along?


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