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My 30 min dive that had a few problems.
11-19-2005, 11:53 AM,
My 30 min dive that had a few problems.

Thought I would share with all of you that I did a 30 min, dive in the pool yesterday!  I was face down for 1 min or so. I was under about 5 feet. I wanted to do an hour but there was one problem after another. My dive instructor friend said that dive was over because of to many problems. The double limb circuit has two tubes and one tubing has an exaltation valve at the end of the tube. Two clear pressure lines coming from the vent to the exaltation valve. The vent and the exaltation valve stays above water. On the end of one of the tube and the other one tubing is connected to the vent and both hock up to the y adaptor on the dry suit. There is a connector inside my suit that connects to the trach. The tubing is 8 feet long, they are two 4 foot tubing hocked together to make it 8 feet. The problem was that on of the 8 foot tubing with 4 footers looked bad and coming apart and I had only 2 foot sections and I feel after putting to many breaks in the circuit problem. When I was face down I was not getting the air flow I needed. 

This time I was sporting my new DUI hood my Neptune. It worked ok but next time I need my FFM over my chin better. I also used the dry glove system, with three-finger mitts. I really liked them. They kept my hands just right.

I didn’t blow up like a hot air balloon today; we put a new connector on the inside of my suit!  No air leaks lol.  My dry suit worked great, like always.

Next dive well be an hour and hopefully no problems. I guess one can’t have perfect dives all the time.

Here’s a link to some new photos I added of my dive today…

Take care everyone and safe diving!
11-21-2005, 06:43 AM,
Re: My 30 min dive that had a few problems.
That's the approach....  I've had to cancel my fair share of dives due to gear's one of the hazards of diving.  You learn from whatever happened, get the problem fixed and get back in the water!
11-23-2005, 10:16 AM,
Re: My 30 min dive that had a few problems.
Hi Omnicron,

Yeah that happens.  I bet you have had that happen once in a while.  My theory is you can't have a perfect dive all the time, its a good thing to have problems in the pool I guess, that way it will be perfected for my ow dive. 

Take care and thanks for writing.

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