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Red Granite...
04-21-2006, 10:06 AM,
Re: Red Granite...

I had a Fox snake, a Northern Brown Water Snake and a 15ft Burmese Python.  I don't have them anymore either.    The Northern Brown Water snakes aren't very friendly so I can't say as I recommend them as pets. 

While we are learning about snakes and completely off topic, the only two venomous snakes found in the state are the Timber Rattlesnake and the Massasauga.  Additional information can be found here.  Snakes are cool, don't mess with them.

04-23-2006, 01:58 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Todd and I dove Redgranite Quarry yesterday.  Doug showed up, but he unfortunately forgot some gear.  It turns out that it is tough to dive this time of year with no drysuit.

Visibility was pretty good, but not nearly as good as I have seen in previous years.  I was able to see a golf ball from the surface in the pickle factory bay, but it was a little hazy.  We went as deep as the 80' boat, and I'd say vis was 10-15ft there.  Vis seemed  best between 55 and 75'.  The temp was 41 at depth, and around 50 in the shallow bay.  Total dive time was 68 minutes, at which time I was cold enough to get some new insulation on the way home.  Wait a minute, Stevens Point isn't really on the way to Madison from Redgranite...

Also tried the new Halcyon Evolve wing.  40lbs with double steel 80s and I really like it.  In fact if anyone is interested in a 55# Halcyon Explorer in excellent condition, I will get the 60lb Evolve for my 130s.  I will probably try the 40lb with them, but it may fall a bit short on the surface with the 130s
04-23-2006, 06:00 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Tom and I did Red Granite today and the conditions were the same as Chris reports.  Remebered the dry suit this time.  Spent 66 minutes in the water and anjoyed the swim.  A single E8-130 is more than adequate for this dive.  Noticed Todd with double 130's.  Got a hernia watching him lift it.

Stevens Point is on the way from Red Granite  to Madison if diving equipment is needed, everyone knows that.

Get out and dive while you can my friends.


04-24-2006, 07:04 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Spent 2 hours snorkleing again.  I left a can of Cheez Wiz behind the dumpster (pickle factory) in case anyone else wants to feed fish.  Could see bottom nicely to the first dropoff.  Saw the normal bass/gill, 3 suckers, and 100's of trout.  Too bad they wouldn't come very close.  It might have been fun to get a feeding frenzy going with them. 

I found that the TV set still works, but it only could get a channel with a mysterious purple orb. ;D

I spotted the muskie hiding in the weeds on the east end while on my warm up and dry off hike around the quarry.  I wish I had that lift bag today and my primary regulator was back from annual service.  It was great out there!

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DEW >&ltWink)>
04-26-2006, 03:51 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Blew bubbles today, wasn't bad until the thermocline at 20'. (53 degrees above)  Viz was running 25-30'.  As cold as I was, I still had a 18 psi/min SAC.  I lasted about 53 min in the 5mm Goldcore before I started to get the shivers.  The wetsuit isn't that bad snorkeling, but you really need the drysuit below the thermocline. 

Had one trout get somewhat friendly while I was down.  He kept his distance at around 5', but he didn't run away.  Some of the bigger gills were getting friendly enough to almost try chomping at a hotdog held in the hand. 
DEW >&ltWink)>
04-26-2006, 05:51 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-26-2006, 07:30 PM by Chris H.)
Re: Red Granite...

SAC in psi doesn't really tell us anything....
18psi in a 40cu ft bottle is .24cu ft which would be a really kick ass SAC rate, however in double E8 130s 18psi is 1.4cu ft...which isn't so good.    Wink

I commend you for staying 53 minutes in a wetsuit, regardless of what kind it is.  The water is still pretty cold.  We did a little over an hour with 50+ minutes at 41F and I was cold in a drysuit.

The other thing you should know is Gold Core gives you pyles. ;D ;D ;D  (some history in that one...)

04-27-2006, 08:14 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-27-2006, 08:16 AM by Dewit2it.)
Re: Red Granite...
The cylinder was a AL80.  That's a lot better than the 26 I had last year when I got back into diving after 12 dry years.  The 18 is about my old average in cold water.  Looks like all the walking is starting to pay off. Big Grin

The solution for Goldcore is a big pump bottle of lube.
DEW >&ltWink)>
04-27-2006, 08:15 AM,
Re: Red Granite...
Walking helps cure Gold Core pyles ;D.
04-27-2006, 10:32 AM,
Re: Red Granite...
Oh oh.  I use a gold core hood with my drysuit.  What can I expect?
04-27-2006, 10:44 AM,
Re: Red Granite...

I think Todd may need to weigh in on this one...he is more familiar with the symptoms.

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