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Forum tweaks
03-11-2003, 12:35 AM,
Forum tweaks
Hi folks, I changed the order of posts in the messages threads so that the most recent post appears at the top.

Also, I enabled image attachments to messages. You can attach an image (up to 100KB) to any posting by using the "Attach:" field at the bottom of the message post form.

03-12-2003, 10:30 AM,
Re:Forum tweaks
What about adding on a feature to post pictures, like on the MNSCUBA site?

03-12-2003, 10:46 AM,
Re:Forum tweaks
Jon, picture attachments should be already working! Post away.
03-12-2003, 03:21 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks
I can't see where to add them on the reply box. On the MNSCUBA forum there is a BROWSE box on the bottom that lets you attach photos.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

03-12-2003, 06:13 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks
Jon, it should work for you now. The attachments feature was enabled but restricted to admins.
03-12-2003, 06:35 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks

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.jpg_thumb   jon_dir_deco.jpg_thumb (Size: 29.18 KB / Downloads: 0)
03-12-2003, 06:42 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks
wow Jon,
I can really see why you have such a tough time gearing up to scuba dive anymore... :Smile . way too much stuff! I don't wear half that much stuff and I can't bring myself to don scuba equipment very often.
03-13-2003, 07:52 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-13-2003, 07:56 AM by FreediveWI.)
Re:Forum tweaks
And that's without the extra deco bottles and camera system in my hands.

Last time I was up at wazee I watched my buddies do some mix dives. They spent all day preping and did two seperate dives with 20 minutes of bottom time each, plus their deco, and were done. All of that work for 40 minutes of bottom time. I spent over 7 hours in the water that day and had a blast. I also didn't get charged for entry because I wasn't "scuba" diving. ;D I certainly didn't miss diving with them that day.

At the end of the day I had more bototm time in that they did and more $$$ left in my pocket. It is hard to go back to the bubble-blowing after that.

For "normal" single tank scuba diving I don't want to even bother with a tank when I can freedive all of those sites instead. Less junk to carry around= more time in the water, which is really what it's all about.
03-19-2003, 12:44 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks

I know the real reason that you wanted to start freediving was that Jitka could walk more tanks to the water at one time than you could and you felt threatened Wink

03-19-2003, 06:38 PM,
Re:Forum tweaks
Which is why she kicks you butt in spinning class three days a week? Tongue

Acutally freediving is, more or less, FREE!

I just don't have the money to keep up with all of you with real jobs. It costs way too much money to keep up with all of the latest tropical dive locations, technical toys, charter fees, certifiacations, ect.

That doesn't mean that I am bored with diving after 25 years, just looking for a new challenge that's based on your skills as a diver and not the size of your wallet.

Just think of all the divers that you know who dive like total crap and yet are always coming back from some fantastic trip or tech dive.

That's also a big problem with techdiving. You don't have to be a great diver to go deep, just have the cash to fund it. There are plenty of really BAD tech diving instructors out there who prove this point very well. They are so out of shape and lacking of skill that they can't even dress themsleves for a dive- let alone HELP someone in trouble.

Freediving is all about putting in the time and being comfortable in the water. It is the one part of diving that you can't "buy" your way into.

It's also easier on my car when I am only loaded down with one gear bag at the end of a day instead of three bags and an easy half dozen tanks. 8)


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