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Bayfield area...end of June.
04-07-2007, 08:43 PM,
Bayfield area...end of June.
Hello from the Hoosier state!

I was directed to this board from folks over at scubaboard as a place to look for a dive buddy in WI. 
I will be doing my OW check-out dives in either early May or June (at the Haigh Quarry in Kankakee, IL).  I will be visiting some family members up in Wisconsin during the last week of June.  I noticed that there appear to be some sites to dive in the Bayfield, WI area(Apostle Islands).  I would like to know if anyone would be willing to buddy up with a beginner sometime around June 25-27ish (the weekend before isn't a good time, as I'll be at a wedding).  This would probably be my first real dive trip after my OW cert.

For those familiar with the area, could you tell me about the conditions of the water at that time of year?  Would I be able to dive with a 7mm wetsuit? 


04-08-2007, 08:28 AM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
I've not been there.  I can tell you that a 7mm suit with gloves and hooded vest can work fine.  Did you read this thread?

Sorry I can't offer more.  Good luck.
04-08-2007, 06:33 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
Hey Adam-
welcome to may be a good idea for you to check into the as well...there are probably more divers from minnesota diving there than from will find something..
good luck and good diving
05-18-2007, 01:37 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
Tuesday the 26th is the best day for me to make a dive in the area. Anyone available that day?
06-18-2007, 07:45 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
Just checking one more time to see if anyone is available on the 26th in the Bayfield area.

I did find one LDS that would provide a 2 tank shore dive.
06-19-2007, 06:56 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
Can't head up there this month, but we do want to go up there and do some diving ourselves.  If you do manage to do some diving up there, especially shore diving, please let me know how it was, where it was, etc. Smile
The only good diver is a wet diver.
06-28-2007, 03:16 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
I just pulled in from a trip to Wisconsin. I was able to do a two tank dive on Tuesday(26th).

I dove with Superior Adventures dvie shop, located at the Pike's Bay marina in Bayfield, WI.  I let Terry know I was a novice diver looking for an appropriate location to dive.  He took me to two locations just off of the Bayfield marina.

First dive was to a submerged Model-T located 70' down.  Entry was right off the pier rocks; a very easy giant stride. Water vis was about 20'-25'.  My 7 piece did a great job at keeping me warm despite the 43 degree temps at the bottom.  There was no abrupt thermocline, just a gradual drop in temp al the way down.  Not many fish were seen; a few bass and a single rainbow trout.  Terry said he has not yet heard how the Model-T found it's way to the bottom of Lake Superior, apparently the story is lost to time.  As a beginner, I found the dive well within my limits, had no problems descending or ascending.  The weather was perfect that day, as there was no wind and the water was very calm.

Second dive was to an old timber barge named 'The Finn McCool'.  It was abandoned in 1964 just south of the Bayfield marina.  It is located in 20' and parts of the boat can be seen sticking out of the water.  Entry was a short swim from shore.  All over the bottom was abandoned timber.  Several crayfish were seen, but not many fish.  We then swam over to an old railroad piling which was rumored to have fish.  Only thinkg I saw were a few fishing lures.  The most difficult part of the dive, was the completion of the dive.  After surfacing from the railroad pilings we had quite a swim back to the shore.  I wouldn't reccomend this swim to someone that isn't in shape.

Although I had wished to view more fish, the dives were perfect for a novice.  If I had more time, I would have like to see more of the dive sites around the Apostle Islands area.
06-28-2007, 05:40 PM,
Re: Bayfield area...end of June.
I am also interested in diving around the Islands in the bayfield area, but I am limited to basic open water and shore dives. Anyone with some information could you please chime in here. Any help is welcome.

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