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06-27-2003, 08:47 AM,
I think I'm going to dive the Sebastopol on Sunday. Can anybody give me specific instructions to get there? I found this but there isn't a name given to the park at the end of Oklahoma Ave. Thanks
06-27-2003, 09:10 AM,
I can't think of the park name either, but it's the only one there. If you park across from the large brick complex (religious, I believe) on the dirt shoulder you should be very close to the wooden landing. It;s just below the crest of the hill along a paved path. (there is also only one staircase going down in the area). From the staircase go straight out about 400' (don't follow the slight angle of the staircase, it points to the north east slightly) The wreck lies in about 8-10' of water.
It can take some finding.
Another warning, do NOT dive the area after a heavy rain. The sewage vents are not far from South Shore, which isn't a problem if they are treating all materials as they should, but with a heavy rain they frequently dump 'partially treated' material as a precaution so they don't overflow the Deep Tunnel.
06-27-2003, 09:11 AM,
Oh man...that is just harsh.

That would be a nasty dive...
06-27-2003, 10:10 AM,
Bayview park.

AN even better dive is just south of there, but a bit further swim. SHe is called the Volunteer. She is over 200' long and doesn't have as many weeds on her as the Sebastopol.

06-27-2003, 01:48 PM,
More info please. I don't mind the swim too much. Are these wreck bouyed?

06-27-2003, 03:48 PM,
A bit further down the beach, by the soccer fields, you will find a round cement out flow pipe, about 4' high, it's on the beach at the bottom of the bluff.

If you look straight out from that pipe you will see a small, about 100' long, gapp in the rubble break wall. Swim in a straight line form the pipe to the northern part of the gap. THe wreck is more than 2/3's the way to the wall. The water is so clear that you could snorkel out and see it from the surface. Actually, if you have a kayak you could see it from the surface. She lies pretty much east-west and is over 200' long.

06-28-2003, 09:57 AM,
Thanks Jon,
We are going to check it out on Sunday.
06-29-2003, 01:41 PM,
We dove the Volunteer. Vis sucked, most likely due to the rain, but it was still better than mowing the lawn or cleaning the house. ;D
06-29-2003, 04:19 PM,
Too bad about the vis.

Most of the wreckage is on the inside of the wall, but there is some stuffon the outside of the wall. I don't know if it would have helped being on the outside this weekend- for vis?

Hopefully it will be better next time.

06-29-2003, 04:48 PM,

Glad to hear you got to dive. My ride home was interesting. This food poisoning resulted in something coming out of every orifice on the way home. Would have been doublely worse in the dry suit. :-X

The real pity is that I passed up free beer on Saturday to make sure that I would be good and hydrated for diving. Could have drank a river of beer and not felt any worse.

The moral of this story is never turn down free beer. Wink


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