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Diving around July 4th
06-17-2003, 09:59 PM,
Diving around July 4th
I'll be in Door County around the July 4th weekend. I'm am checking into the charter at Gills Rock. But if I can't get a ride I'll just do shore dives in the area. Is anyone interested in being a buddy?
06-17-2003, 10:34 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th
Check into the Shoreline Resort in Gills Rock, they have a really nice dive boat with an excellent crew. If you call ahead might be able to squeeze in on a charter. The only problem with that is you end up playing the dive buddy lottery. Here is the link:

06-18-2003, 10:04 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th
If you can't get a charter there is some really good shore diving up there. Check with Green bay scuba for details.

06-19-2003, 08:57 AM,
Re:Diving around July 4th
Yeah I did some shore diving up there last Summer. I buddied up with my father. But he may not be able to dive due to ear problems. I'm hoping to find someone on the board who is interested in diving with me around that weekend. I may also contact the shop in Green Bay to see if they know of people.
06-19-2003, 05:27 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th

I have not figured out what I plan to do for July 4th. What do you have in mind?

06-19-2003, 10:12 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th
I'd like to get a ride on the Shoreline charter if possible. I talked with one of the gals from the charter today and she put me on a list of interested divers. They don't have enough people to fill up the boat yet. Hopefully they will find some interested divers and I will be able to go.

If I can't get on the charter I would like to do some shore dives in Door County. I have a map that lists about 30 dive sites on the peninsula. I made dives at three sites last Summer. I'm interested in a buddy for these dives.

I plan to be in Sturgeon Bay from July 3 (Thurs) through July 6 (Sun).
06-30-2003, 08:05 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th

Called the Shoreline guys and reserved a spot on the boat. Have you heard if their is enough people on the boat to go?

06-30-2003, 10:34 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th

I was just thinking of the same question today. I can call them tomorrow to find out what is happening. The other potential issue is the weather. You never know what the weather is going to be like up there.

Last time we talked he told me that he would be willing to take only 4 divers but the price would be higher.

If we can't get a boat ride are you interested in doing some shore dives on Thurs or Fri? I have a map that shows around 30 locations.

07-01-2003, 09:03 PM,
Re:Diving around July 4th

If the boat does not go, lets go shore diving. One way or another lets dive on Thursday. Then lets talk about Friday.


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