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New shipwreck website
07-05-2003, 09:25 AM,
New shipwreck website
Was browsing the website of the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel online this morning and found an article about a new shipwreck website:

07-14-2003, 09:18 AM,
Re:New shipwreck website
Neat link Colin, thanks!

I did notice though, that when you click on their link for Wisconsin/Great Lakes shipwrecks that it takes you to this page

So unfortunately no new pictures to look at, but it will at least get more people looking at a good site.
10-28-2003, 09:14 PM,
Re:New shipwreck website
Here is another shipwreck website.

It gives information on shipwrecks in Lk Michigan and Lk Superior. It has some pictures and stories about the ships


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