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01-13-2007, 01:23 PM,
I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I've been on the board for a while, but just mostly as a gawker, and not really "active". I guess I'd just like to meet a few of the involved technical divers in the area and get to know them better. I realize there's still a lot to learn out there, and that's what I'm all about.
Technical Diver
02-05-2007, 12:49 PM,
Re: Hello
Best of luck to you. What are your technical certs so far: do you happen to be cave certified? I am somewhat curious as to how many people in the area have pursued cave diving. Let me know your thoughts.
02-07-2007, 07:08 AM,
Re: Hello
There is a small, but very active, group of us cave divers in Wisconsin.  Take a look at some of the threads below showing a few of the things that we've been working on lately.  We're all pretty involved in exploration in some way shape or form.  Ethan from the board is in the Yucatan right now on an expedition for a couple of weeks, and we've explored/surveyed a few of the old lead/zinc mines in the area. 

I love sidemounting - got a taste of it in Missouri, got hooked in Florida and I finally have my sidemount setup finished.  I'm looking forward to ice diving with it out at Wazee this year Smile

There's not many of us, but we're definitely around Smile

02-11-2007, 08:31 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-11-2007, 09:13 PM by josh b..)
Re: Hello

I'm a divemaster and a bit of a technical diver over here in MN and I love those pictures, I got hooked on some cave diving in Florida last year, and I just LOVE IT.

I have 90% of my family in Wausau, and Oneida county, a few miles away from Minaqua.  I have done about 20 dives around there and have never really seen much, I know there are some mines around, but I don't know their exact location.  If you can give me some insight,  I'd be interested in taken a peak.


Can you PM me some directions to some, maybe some more photos, etc., any and everything will help.
Daring to explore is great, daring not unacceptable
02-11-2007, 09:48 PM,
Re: Hello
Ya I plan on doing some cave cert. I would never, and will never enter a cave without proper training, I am smarter than that. 

As of now I am just incredibly interested, especially on getting some good video, and more yet, in wisconsin, where I am at at least once a month anyways.

What I am saying is, when the time comes, I would be very interested in doing a little cave exploration, document it, and maybe some different studies.

Let me know,

Daring to explore is great, daring not unacceptable
02-11-2007, 09:57 PM,
Re: Hello
Same with Trimix, DM, etc....I can do the training, just can't get my card.
Daring to explore is great, daring not unacceptable
02-11-2007, 11:30 PM,
Re: Hello
Well this thread has expanded just a bit.

mdpape, as you know, currently, I'm trimix certified and just got my full cave cert a few weeks ago.

Josh, if you are really interested in getting cave certification, I really have to suggest heading down to Florida. The only mine I've been to up here is Piquette, and while pretty interesting, the vis was maybe 45'-50' and water temps run in the 50s. Florida conditions, in my opinion, are much more enjoyable to learn in, without the added complications of poor vis, and colder water.

Keith, by the way, this is John, I dove Piquette with you and Tamara last spring during my deco class.

Technical Diver
02-12-2007, 06:43 AM,
Re: Hello
Awe I don't care about water temp or vis!

Besides the caverns in Florida, I've never strapped a tank on in the ocean.  All my dives have been drysuit, cold water diving.  The closer I can get my cave cert. the better.
Daring to explore is great, daring not unacceptable
02-12-2007, 01:51 PM,
Re: Hello
At the risk of turning this thread into something other than a "Hi all/Welcome to wiscuba", I'm going to further remark on the whole vis/drysuit comment. I know, we all get pretty guerrilla about diving in conditions up here. And yes, to a great extent, getting comfortable to diving in 10' of vis, and 40 degree waters has some real benefits.

But, for simplicity sake in training, and the fact that you'll be in the water ALL day, I really would suggest taking 5 days to a week and head down to Florida for the training.

You shouldn't have to worry about being cold, or struggling to see in addition to the task loading of learning to cave dive. You can hone your skills in the mud up here later. Just my .02
Technical Diver
02-12-2007, 04:11 PM,
Re: Hello
Hi all,

Prior to getting my full cave certification I did considerable reaserch on the various instructional agencies and instructors. I believe that it is critical to have a instructor who is a good teacher (not a drill seargent) and challenges the student to their physical and emotional limits. Each dive new situations, tasks and challenges are added upon the foundation of propoer trim and bouyancy control. The Florida cave systems have all the enviromental challenges that the cave diving student need to work on their techniques. If any one has any questions PM me.

WI Cave Diver

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