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Diving Milwaukee Area Last weekend....
07-29-2008, 07:23 AM,
Diving Milwaukee Area Last weekend....
Just got back from a four day adventure in Milwaukee.  Most of the Vis was about 30 to 40 foot.  Surface temps at 62 with a bottom temp around 48.  Thermocline at 25 to 30'.

The S.S. Milwaukee upper decks has collapsed.  Very dissappointing.  Vis was for crap.  15 to 20 feet.

The Willy was crowded but an excellent dive.  There is a mooring on the fireboat, they are doing surveys on it.

09-09-2008, 07:21 AM,
Re: Diving Milwaukee Area Last weekend....
Im a new diver and i cant wait to see the willy and the milwaukee
<br />Toucan Dive <br />Lake villa IL<br />847-356-7826

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