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Milwaukee Car Ferry
08-24-2004, 09:24 PM,
Re:Milwaukee Car Ferry
damn funny!!
08-25-2004, 09:05 PM,
Re:Milwaukee Car Ferry
Had another trip to the Milwaukee again tonight. It was a bit rough as the wind was a blowin' but all did well. Viz was around 30ft, and it was a little bit chilly..the sunset was almost looked like the city was on fire...kind of spooky lookin' On the way back in, I had my divers jump in and take a look at the Bond. Jerry found this wreck last year..Not alot to see, but its in 40ft, so it is to be expected..

09-04-2004, 12:32 PM,
Re:Milwaukee Car Ferry
I'm curious about the penetration possibilities beyond the chain locker and crew quarters. Is there anything to see in the collapse areas below decks?

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